Wednesday, June 1, 2011


You know, I'm not one of those women who is always busy and always accomplishing things. 
I'm quite the opposite. I hate having a busy and hectic life to where 
I can't just sit back, sip a coke, and watch my kids be goofy. 
That's my favorite thing to do!, when I do one big accomplishment a day, that's saying a LOT! haha So, today, I made a blog for my business. I'd have to admit that I'm pretty proud of myself! That is a big accomplishment for me! I know some of you are laughing and maybe even thinking, "She could never handle my life!". That is true - I could not. I know that and I purposefully only plan one thing a day to keep my life from getting too crazy. Tonight was mutual AND making the blog, so now I feel like I deserve a day off. haha

Anyway, I'm rambling, I, you want to check out my new blog?! 
Finally getting to the point of this post...
drum roll please... 
There it is. Check it out and comment as you wish!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Everyone loves a giveaway...especially when it's stuff THIS cute!!! 
Are you kidding me...
every woman in your life (of course that includes you) should have one of these necklaces. 
And how cool would it be to WIN one!!! 
Liberty and I both have ours, but I wouldn't mind getting every single one available - they are just way too cute!!!!

Click on the link below to find out how YOU can enter into this awesomest giveaway!!! :)

Monday, April 25, 2011


You don't want to miss this outdoor boutique!  
20+ vendors will have their booths set up with gorgeous gifts just in time for Mother's Day!! 
Jewelry, aprons, wreaths, hair accessories, jeans, and SOOOO much more!

***Directions from Ironwood/Ocotillo: Head South on Ironwood(Gantzel), East on Chandler Heights, Right on Cortona(Chander Heights), Right on Parisi, Left on Megan, Left on Webb Circle. 
You can't miss it!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I'm finally ready to show off some of my favorites from our big photo shoot with our friend, Eric Greenhalgh.

If there are any that really stick out to you, let me know...I'm trying to decide which ones to blow up. 

This is so much fun...having a family...and looking so good!! ;)

He always strikes this pose!!

 Beautiful from the inside out!

 I love his corky little smile!

She adores her Daddy!! :)

 This is my whole world!!

Best buds...most of the time! ;)

Mom and Dad taking a moment! 

Me and my little loves!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pecan Creek Boutique

Can I just say that I am so excited for next weekend!!!! Not only is it my Grandma's 65th Birthday...or my good friends little boy's 2nd birthday...but it's also the 2nd Annual Pecan Creek Boutique!!!! This will be my first time attending since I was out of town last year. They have the CUTEST things there to sell. If you live close, you should DEFINITELY come and check it out. Hopefully I don't take all the cute stuff first!!! ;)

San Antonio Trip with the Gray Family

Our awesome friends, The Gray Family, invited us to San Antonio for a week vacation! We had so much fun. Our kids are about the same age, so they played wonderfully! It was the longest trip Justice has ever been on...I think it was about 13 hours. Luckily, we have some great travelers...

We went to this really cool children's museum in downtown San Antonio. It had lots for little kids to do! There was a trolley right at the entrance that amazed the kids. We practically had to bribe them to get off of it and explore the rest of the cool place!

The bottom floor was this gigantic children's shopping center with carts, checkout stands, the whole shibang!

Justice loved the bubbles...

And Liberty got to play pilot on an airplane...

Then we went to this way cool Wildlife Ranch. You drove through it and there were ostriches, zebra, deer (all sorts), and lots of other cool animals just walking around you. It was scary when the ostriches and zebras would poke their heads in the window. Luckily I rolled the windows up when they were headed our way. YIKES! I have some video of it...

Then, we went for a boat ride down at the River Walk...

Then, we ended the trip at SeaWorld! Liberty and Brandon got to feed the dolphins...

We had so much fun and talked about doing it again next year! A big shout out to the Gray Family for inviting us on this awesome vacation. We would've missed out on a lot of fun!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Makeover Story

Have you ever been in one of those "blah" funks where you feel nasty no matter what you do? That's how I felt until yesterday at 3:00pm. Here's the story...

This was my "blah". My hair was a nasty faded cinnamon color that I purchased at Walmart. I've had that color or something similar for the past 4 years. I desperately wanted to change it up, but didn't know who I could trust. I wanted blonde (something I've always been too scared to try), but wasn't sure I could pull it off. So, then I changed my mind to a super dark brown with red streaks. I had that color when I started dating Brandon and I loved it. So, I was going to stay comfortable and go with a color that I know looked pretty good. That was until I got to Bladz Salon in Mesa and started chatting with Kelsea Morris. She asked why I had changed my mind away from the blonde and I told her that everyone says that it will look horrible with my skin tone. She said, "WHAT?! Not if you do it right! I think the blonde will be cuter than going dark!" So, I told her to decide and do what her heart desired. This is what she did...

I LOVE IT! My "nasty faded cinnamon" color looked great with the blonde, so she didn't do anything with that. Then, she cut bangs and layers throughout. She finished by curling it for me! I was THRILLED!! I've always been somewhat disappointed after getting my hair professionally done...until I let Kelsea do it. I have never looked in the mirror more times that I have today! :) If you would like a makeover and you live here in the valley, let me know and I will give you her information. She knows what she's doing - she's amazing!